Lately I've been realizing I've been afraid to post out of fear of getting it wrong. What if I post something and it's incorrect? I've had a lot of opinions over the years--some that I've been quite obstinate about that I later come back and realize how wrong I was.
But what if I spend the rest of my life choosing to not express my thoughts out of this same fear? The reality is that we are all in a process. I might want my thoughts to appear refined and profound. But what's the fun in that? A value of mine that I've always held so dear is authenticity and rawness. What a joy it is to have this website to log my thoughts and express myself externally yet in a semi-private manner. Only those who really want to hear the inner thoughts of Janelle will read these. Or it will be a fun "journal" of sorts for me to look back on. ------------ So, what's with the title? Today I met with a friend and we chatted about some pretty serious and deep stuff. Stuff I will leave to my personal journal. But I had a thought stem from my time with her. As human beings, we all experience pain from our childhood. Sometimes we get really good at hiding it or blocking it out, but the truth still remains--we have issues. Whether relational, sexual, emotional, personal. And maybe you've never heard there's a connection between your upbringing and the things you have a hard time with in life. See, we all have a worldview. And our worldview is shaped by the way we were taught to see the world. (crazy, huh? lol) But everyone's experience with that is different. And this is where we can run into issues in our relationships with other human beings. To try to make this short, I'll get to the point. Many of us have experienced hardships, rejection, abandonment, anger, abuse even, in our upbringing. As some of us grow older and choose to face some of these pains from our childhood, we are presented with the opportunity to forgive those who have wronged us. This path of forgiveness frees us to view life and people from a perspective that brings freedom and peace. So here's my thought for the night. Do you ever wonder "why me?" I think as we mature in the Lord we ask this question less and less and we begin trusting that everything that happens to us is for our good, but tonight I had a whole new thought. What if every terrible thing that has happened to you is an opportunity that's being given to you to knock out evil that has tried to plague your family line for decades? Think about it. What if you are the one who has been trusted to handle this pain and sin, submit it to God, and write a new story for your kids and the generations to come after them? What if you succeed? What if you take out the enemy and his plans to ruin you and your kids? What if you are the one who presses in to God and destroys the ability for satan to impact your kids and their kids to come after? How cool would that be? So, someone's got to take the fall. Someone has to stand up and say 'enough is enough'. Why not you? It's the exact same scenario as Esther being in the palace 'for such a time as this' to save the Jews. What if what your parents did to you, through their pain and their parents failures is an opportunity given to you 'for such a time as this' to deliver your entire family line from the plans the enemy has to steal, kill, and destroy from the generations to come? Seeing it this way frees you to have grace on those who have hurt you. In fact, it makes you hurt for them and feel bad for them. They were the ones who had to take the fall, they were the one's who fell susceptible to the sin in your previous generations--it could have been you! But instead, you have been given the opportunity to forgive them and usher in the power and blood of Jesus to write a whole new story for you and your family. Don't let those who have hurt you, abandoned you, or rejected you continue the persistent path of pain in your family line through repeating history--be the one who forgives and follows Jesus into a new path of opportunity and hope for your kids that changes your family line to come forever! Comments are closed.
AuthorIf you want real talk, you came to the right page. Janelle will be straight forward and down to earth discussing topics with you from her heart. ![]() ReadYou will find topics regarding culture, sex, hardships, nuggets of hope, and love presented in a direct yet encouraging way. Be blessed Archives
June 2024
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Janelle LOVES talking to people. Contact her with comments or a story.
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